
Computer Generation

Computer Generation

                     Computer Generation

 1)        FIRST GENERATION(1942-1955/ 1945-1955):-

 In this generation vacume tube electro  magnetic relay memory and punched card secondary storaged were used.

 In this generation manchine and assamblly languages as mostly scientify application were used.

💥Key characteristics:- bulky in size, unraliable, limited comericial used, comorcial production deficult and lostly and dificult to used.

Ex:-eniac, edvac, edsac, unic, IBM etc.

2)  Second generation (1955-1964):- 

In this generation transister were use, magnetic cores memory, magnetic tabs and disk secondary storage were used. In this generation operating system high lable programing languages, scientific and comercial application were used.

    💥 Key characteristics:- faster, smaller, more retable, than first generation system but commercial production was stil dificult and costly.

Ex:- honey well- 400, IBM-7030, cdc-1604, univac, larc etc.

3)  Third generation (1964-1975):- 

In this generation intigrated circut (Ic chip) with ssi and msi technologics were used. Larger capacity disk, magenetic taps secondary storage were used and in this generation computer was mini computer.

Time sharing operating system standredlitation of high lable programing language were used unbundling of software form hardware.

💥Key characteristics:- faster, smaller, more reliable and cheaper to produce comarcially, easier to used and easier to operate than 1stand 2nd generation system. And in this generation scientific and commercial application and on time application were used.

      ex:- IBM-360/370, pdpi, cdc-6600 etc.

4)  4th generation (1975-1989):-

In this generation ics with techonologics were used Microprocessor, semiconductor memor, lager capacity hard disk as in buld secondary storage, magnetic taps and floppy disk as portable storage media were used.

In this generation computer were personal computer spread  of high speed computer network opertoing system for pc, multiple windows in a single terminal operating system were used . C- programing languages bassed application network bassed application were used .

💥 Key characteristics:- small, afforadable releable to pcs more powerful and geleable mainframe system totaly general purpose, machine and easter to produce commercial.

Ex:- IBM, pcs and its clomes apple-2, ips-80, var-900 cray-1, cray-x/mp.

5)  5th generation (1989-now):- 

In this generation ics with  VISI technology, larger capacity, larger capacity hard disk, optical disk as portable read only storage media, note book computer power full desktop pcs and work station very power full mainframe, internet are use.

    WWW multimedia application and internet based application are use.

💥Key characteristics:- portable computer, more powerful, cheaper, reliable, easier to use desktop machine, very power full, mainframe very high up time due to hot playable component today general purpose, machine and easier to produce commercially.

Ex:-  IBM Note Books, Pentium, PCS , Sun work stations, IBM-sp/2, SGI origin  2000 PARAM-1000





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