
What is Processing unit?/ What is processor?

What is Processing unit?/ What is processor?

Q. What is Processing unit?

1. C U [control unit]:-

 Control unit is able to maintain the follow of data from one area to the other.
The control unit able to maintan is order and direct the operation of the intire system is does not perform any actual process on the data.
 In octence instruction from the program stored in the primary stores interprets the instraction an isue single that calls other unit of the system to exquit them.

2. ALU (Arthemetical logical Unit):-

ALU perform all the arthemetical and logical operation under program cotrol. The data and store a instruction in store primary storage period to proccessing are transfar when needed to the ALU.

   ALU perform the following operation:-

A.       Arthematical:-+ ,- ,* ,/ etc

B.       Logical operation :-with the help of > ,< and =


O S (Operating System):-

operating system is an intergeral set of specialize programe such as resources file tranfar, input device, out put device and over all operation under the computer system.

  The primary object of an operating system is to make computer system convenient to used an utilize computer hardware in an efficient manner operating system please the most prominent role in system software.

     Function of an operating system :-     

A.       Resource managment

B.       Memory managment

C.       Comman interpretation

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